What if your data could talk?

Data Stories AI agents work like a great data analyst and data scientist: business curious, data-savvy, proactive, interactive and fluent with the best modern open-source data tools.

With Data Stories business teams get value from their data in minutes, data teams self-service their users freeing up time for high-impact projects, and software partners get co-pilots that excel on deep analytics.

Click “Your Story” to get in touch and learn more about our early adopter program.

How Data Stories is Different

As the initial excitement wanes, trust in chatbots for complex tasks is dwindling. And rightly so:  You shouldn’t trust a smooth talker who, without data, is just another person with an opinion“. In Data Stories the heavy lifting behind the scenes is powered by the same advanced data tools utilized by seasoned analysts, engineers, and scientists. This enables:


Guided Analytics.

Data Stories suggests the next steps in the analysis, giving you great questions, not just answers.


Preferences based.

Data Stories learns about your business and preferences and automatically chooses the best data and tools for your needs.


Don’t feed Skynet.

All data stays in your connected sources and within the app’s private user space. See and edit everything the system has learnt.

Data Driven

Make HiPPOs distinct.

Discover data at business speed and back up your decisions with strong rationales and predictions.

“Data Stories user experience is surprisingly easy and different from any analytics tool I have seen”

Founder EtherMail & Barcelona Blockchain Network

“The agent orchestration of Data Stories advanced analytics toolbox is an impressive work of engineering.“

Andreas Junghanns

Founder & CEO QTronic GmbH

“As a product manager, I often depended on others for data. Data Stories’ focus on autonomy and personal empowerment flips the script.”

Chief Product Officer, OWNLY FinTech GmBH